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Trippy Hearts release wavy classic "Lacewing"

The band from Boise Idaho, started as a collective back in 2013 as a group of friends with a profound relatable interest in music. They have since gone on to produce a consistent array of musical releases, improving with each and every release.

Their music often called, melodic, moody and witchy. We totally agree but feel the band also possess a great organic quality and originality. There are similarities to early "Beachouse" with their unique sound.

Returning now with an eight track project, the group have greatly utilised each others musical skills with Jenn Sutkowski on electric piano and vocals.

Brent Heiner on guitar, Stephen Samuelson on baritone guitar, bass and drums

and Hyrum Haeberle on bass.

The album really feels like a new era in the bands discovery, strong guitars layer the foundations for most of the project, with Jenn's airy and lofty vocals setting a mysterious vibe for the reminder of the album. Clever entry's of keys and and background vocals work really well in establishing the sonic narrative.

The visual for "Flaming Gold Piano" is set in a golden field with the band each taking centre focus, the video feels light but very abstract and relates the the band and album well.

A solid highlight on the project is "Everywhere" a slow, reflective and wavy single from the album that shows exactly what the band is all about.




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